

Zooarchaeological Analysis

Faunal Analysis

My main expertise lies in the identification, analysis and interpretation of zooarchaeological remains from the domestic and wild faunal spectrum of Eurasia.


Data analysis

Traces and data obtained from bone remains can be used to answer a variety of questions about human-animal interactions in different eras of the past.


Based on the data collected, I create a report specifically tailored to the issues discussed in advance for future utilization or publication.


Why Bones?

Bones are a fascinating archive of individual and socially and ecologically relevant (hi)stories.

During my university studies and beyond, I had many opportunities to examine bone inventories from a wide variety of sites. I was able to accompany numerous projects in German-speaking countries as well as in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, the Balkans and Central and East Asia.

Each bone inventory presents itself as a puzzle and as a basis for reconstructing the coexistence of multiple species in societies and human-animal interactions. This has become a passion for me, which I have turned into a profession.

Curriculum Vitae (Selection)

University degrees

since 2020     PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh

                         (Early Pastoralist Multispecies Communities in Eastern Mongolia and Beyond.)

2017                 M.A. Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology, CAU Kiel

                         (Focus and thesis: Zooarchaeology and Stable Isotope Analysis)

2014                 B.A. Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology, CAU Kiel


Archäozoologenverband (AZV)

Gesellschaft für Archäozoologie und Prähistorische Anthropologie (GAPA)

International Council for Zooarchaeology (ICAZ)

Zooarchaeological Analysis (Selection, Sites)

  • Bremen/Altstadt, Bremen/Neuenland, Burgweinting (Germany)
  • Hoby, Kainsbakke, Kirial Bro, Ginnerup (Denmark), Rinnukalns (Latvia)
  • Borđoš (Serbia), Vrable (Slovakia), Trinca (Moldova)
  • Nizhnyaya Sooru (Altai Republic, Russia), Maily Khotan, Tashbulak (Uzbekistan)
  • Delgerkhaan Uul, Chandmani Khar Uul, Zuun Buran Khurum, Züükhangai (Mongolia)


A small selection of my own research.

As a project member:

Collaborations: (Hans-Christian Küchelmann)

Pleuger-Dreibrodt, S. & Radmanović, D. (2024). Insights into animal management and wild faunal resource exploitation at Borđoš during the Late Neolithic. In: Tijana Stanković Pešterac (Ed.), Museum of Vojvodina Special Issue 34, Project Borđoš - Ten years of Research Vol. I, (Novi Sad), 223-236.

Pleuger-Dreibrodt, S. & Küchelmann, H.-C. (2024). Die Knochen von Brücke 1 - Das Tierknocheninventar der Fundstelle 313/Altstadt in Bremen. In: Landesarchäologie Bremen (Hrsg.), Bremer Archäologische Blätter 2022/2023, Neue Folge 9, 269-295.

Pleuger, S., Breitenfeld, B., Zoljargal, A., Nelson, A. R., Honeychurch, W., & Amartuvshin, C. (2023). What's in a Hearth? Preliminary Findings from the Margal Hunter-Gatherer Habitation in the Eastern Mongolian Gobi Desert. Asian Perspectives, 62(2), 131-158.

Pleuger, S., Makarewicz, C. A., & Klassen, L. (2020). Exploitation of marine fish by Pitted Ware groups at Kainsbakke and Kirial Bro. In The Pitted Ware Culture on Djursland Supra-regional significance and contacts in the Middle neolithic of southern Scandinavia, Aarhus University Press, 341-370.


Request a non-binding order

My offer:

1) Primary Faunal Analysis:

  • Identification skeletal element, taxon
  • Age- and Sexestimation
  • Biometric Measurements,
  • Identification of pathologies, taphonomy, human modification
  • Number of Identified Specimens (NISP) and Minimum Number of Individuals, bone weight

2) Data Analysis:

  • Statistical analysis (PAST, R, Excel)
  • Demographic Analysis (age, sex, herd and/or population structure)
  • Body size reconstruction, Logarithmic Size Indices (LSI)
  • Research question-specific secondary data analysis (e.g. preservation, site formation, burning, traces of slaughtering / processing, specific palaeopathologies, artifact manufacture)
  • site interpretation (e.g. %MAU, presence/absence of specific skeletal elements or taxa for determining site function or seasonality).

3) Report:

  • Short report

    (simple data analysis, statistics, basic visualisations, text processing)

  • Publishable report

    (extensive data analysis, statistics, visualisations, photography, literature research, text processing)

  • Archaeological research questions are taken into account for the respective report required and coordinated in advance.